There is no bus service from the Fairfield Hotel

When booking please use the links in the pulldown menu. Use group ID 5150 for Hotel Ithaca.

Notes of Interest:

The Conference Sessions and the Exhibitor Hall will be held at the Campus Center and Textor Hall on the Ithaca College Campus. The hotels, Hotel Ithaca, Hilton Garden Inn, and Canopy, are located in down town Ithaca. There will be shuttle buses making continuous loops between the 3 hotels, Parking Lot O at Ithaca College, and the Campus Center.

Up to 11.5 PDH’s, 10.5 LA Credits, and 6 LS Credits can be earned at the Technical Sessions.

If you are coming in on Monday, there will be information about the Pub Crawl in Ithaca at each of the hotels when you check in.

The buses for all Guest Tours will pick up and drop off from Hotel Ithaca.

The Ice Breaker will be held at Coltivare which is a short walk from the three hotels.

The TPOY is being held at Lake Watch. There will be continuous shuttle buses running from all three hotels and the event space.

The Hospitality Room will be at the Hotel Ithaca from 9 pm – 12 am on Tuesday and Wednesday.

After a two-year hiatus due to COVID, the New York State Association of Transportation Engineers – Section 6 is bringing the annual NYSATE Conference back. We will be hosting the 80th NYSATE Conference in-person at Ithaca College, located in Ithaca, NY from June 7th to the 9th. Our host hotel will be The Hotel Ithaca in downtown Ithaca.

NYSATE organizes the annual conference to bring industry leaders together, collaborate, learn, and promote the advancement of science and engineering as it pertains to transportation and related subjects. The conference includes educational sessions, social tours, The Transportation Professional of the Year Award Banquet, and engaged networking. We hope to see you there!